Twice now I have had a problem with this. First, I was in a bowling alley and was at the mercy of the bowling alleys lighting and today I was taking action photos of friends playing Frisbee around a little before sunset.
I wanted a faster shutter speed for the action shot, so I found myself with few options to brighten the picture. I put the camera at its maximum aperture, but that was not enough, so the only other thing I could think about was ISO. But, I was forced to bring the ISO up to 1600 or 3200! This, of course, created a great deal of noise in the pictures.
Is there anything I can do that would allow me to take brighter pictures with lowering the ISO? Something that does not include purchasing more equipment. I do know a lens with a wider aperture and a high end flash (not in the bowling alley) would solve the problem, but I have no budget to purchase anything at the moment.