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Confussing about my BMPCC and external monitor, any help?

This is a discussion on Confussing about my BMPCC and external monitor, any help? within the Digital photography forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; weeks ago, I bought a second-hand Blackmagic pocket camera(BMPCC), and these days I found that it failed to connect with ...

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    Default Confussing about my BMPCC and external monitor, any help?

    weeks ago, I bought a second-hand Blackmagic pocket camera(BMPCC), and these days I found that it failed to connect with my 5 inch external monitor Lilliput 569, no signal, no image; however, it's available when connecting with my Canon 5D Mark II via HDMI cable. And I reset the camera and the monitor, still the same issue. So, I'm confused about that, and I can't judge which device's problem. what's happening and what should I do next? anyone help me pls. thanks in advance!

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    somebody help?

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    seancam is offline Junior Member
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    U can ask the LILLIPUT aftersales for help, they will help you.


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