Hi members,
I could use a bit of brainstorming or confirmation help.
This is the first public place that I'm posting that i have finished writing an ebook on understanding basic exposure in photography.. and I'm stuck on a title.
The ebook is 85 pages long and explains basic exposure in a loose conversational way (covering the basics of the aperture, shutter speed and ISO dance )... and its core
theme is that you are free to be creative once you understand exposure.
The title is a pretty important part of any ebook as is the cover. I've having it designed for me because I'm crap at that.
I'm attaching 2 images with a title idea that i had and the most basic of a mockup for that first idea. I'm also attaching the original image. But now I'm not super crazy
about the idea...so I've come up with some others. I think I'd like to use this pic though.
The original title idea is/was The F in F-stop is not a Four letter word
Titles needs to be catchy so I started thinking in different directions - yeah, I guess I went in 'that' direction for awhile. So I guess what I'm asking is do any of these ideas below work for you - are they too crass? Do they do with the image?
Anyone else have suggestions that spring up with this picture?
Thanks in advance!
here's some sample ideas;
- Free yourself from your camera
- Release yourself from your camera's grip
- Understand exposure and be free
- Get your ass off automatic
(understanding exposure by marko kulik)
- Get off your automatic ass
(understanding exposure by marko kulik)
- Get yourself off (automatic)
understanding exposure by marko kulik
- Get yourself off automatic and be free
(understand exposure with marko kulik)
- Semi automatic weapons of mass creativity
understanding exposure by marko kulik
- You are smart and your camera is stupid
(understand exposure with marko kulik)
- No, YOUR mother is an F-stop.
(understanding exposure by marko kulik)
Menage a trois and other sexy exposure stories
(understanding exposure by marko kulik)
Menage a trois and other sexy exposure stories
(understanding aperture, ISO and shutter speed)
Menage a trois by way of Aperture, shutter speed and ISO
(understanding exposure by marko kulik)
F-stops are Friggen exciting
(understanding exposure by marko kulik)
Apertures are Awesome
Awesome Apertures and other exposure tales