These are all good and valid points....
If you are one to take the time to set up your camera there is plenty of latitude to post process your images.
The only reasons I see to shoot RAW are :
(1) You suck so bad with your in camera set up, that you need that extra information to square up your image
(2) You are the type of shooter who regularly extensively edits your image
(3) You are getting paid, in which case it is silly to not take all precautions
(4) You are an advanced hobbyist who is uncomfortable in discarding the mostly useless information discarded when a camera converts an image to jpg
The RAW vs JPG thing is really a personal preference thing. There is no right or wrong decision. I now shoot RAW all the time, but that's only because Lightroom2 makes the conversion process so quick a seamless. If I still had to use a heavy developer/editior like photoshop or psp..... i'd most likely still be shooting jpg unless the shoot was really important...