Warning: there's a number of pictures ahead.
So I've acquired a circular polarizing filter. Normally I'd take my time futzing with it, but there's an airshow coming up Saturday. It's got airplanes. And Mike will want pictures of them. So yesterday I took a bunch of shots that I was fairly certain would make the camera wonky if I wasn't using the filter. My observations thus far: it definitely makes a difference. Sometimes there's a color cast. It works in the shade (good to know, since the weather forecast for Saturday is cloudy, possible rain). I have the rest of this week to practice. So here's some of the results - tell me what might help to get better ones, rain or shine.
The setting: one of the shooting ranges at Parma Rod and Gun Club. From prior experience I knew the bright dirt and bright sun made it hard to avoid glare.
Then there's the metal roofs of the firing line shelters.
The range flag, across a field of nice, bright weeds.
The brass on shells and casings. Always good for a spot of glare.
And a classic, subject in mostly shade, background partly shade, partly sun on the nice, bright dirt.