This is a discussion on panoramics take 2 within the Critiques forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; ...
Definitely much improved over your earlier post. The blown sky, image right is where the G-ND would help out. Judging by the angles, it looks to me like you were angled slightly above level.
Incidentally, this is the best way to improve in a case like this, re-shooting the same scene over and over; makes it much easier to detect the small changes. Good work!
well thanks.
Whats G-ND?
A graduated neutral-density filter (as mentioned in my earlier 'How to' post on panoramas). It has a neutral dark area at the top which transitions to a clear area at the bottom. This allows you to go gain 1, 2, or even 3 stops of exposure on the sky, and keep the correct exposure for the ground. Cokin is one of the most common brands.