burned a bit to eliminate distractions
c&c please.
This is a discussion on sunlight star within the Critiques forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; burned a bit to eliminate distractions c&c please....
burned a bit to eliminate distractions
c&c please.
I am not an expert but I really like this picture
I like it as well; nicely done. My only thought is that it seems to need leveling. It appears to be angled down to the left; that may just be an illusion however.
I like this shot as well. My only comment (and I think this is referring to the illusion alluded tooI like it as well; nicely done. My only thought is that it seems to need leveling. It appears to be angled down to the left; that may just be an illusion however.), Is that the path on the lower left is competing for my attention. My eye unconsciously wants to know where it's going.
Paths, lines, curves, leading lines all direct a viewer's eye in an image and here I'm finding the path trying to compete with the sun. The sun with it's shining crown will always win of course but the path is trying to steal some of the sun's glory. In this shot, I would have cropped out the path in camera.....or even cropped it out of the image in a graphics program.
For this shot in particular I'm curious - do other member's agree with this opinion - be honest as always please.
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I like this shot, and I also agree with marko, but i think i might of centerd the path a little more as it seems to bend to the right, i think then the path would create eyeflow towards the sun thats just myand what iocan remember from highschool graphic design lol
i have to agree with marko here too... although i really like this photo, it looks as though there are 2 of them stuck together. the sun is one shot, and the path another. you could almost cut it straight down the middle...
love the sun effect though!
the path issue might be less of an issue is the horizon were a bit more level; i like the look of it overall