I was at Edgfest this weekend. I got my hands on a media pass and I borrowed a Film SLR to take with me. I brought two rolls of film ILFORD HP5 PLUS 400 ISO. It has been a very very long time since I shot film. I used up both rolls and spent the day yesterday at a rented dark room developing them.
I scanned this one into my computer this morning and well here it is. I added a frame in photoshop just think it enhances the look of the photo. I only had enough time to print out two photos after I finished developing the two rolls of film and doing my contact sheets. Here is one of Sam Roberts. Bands this weekend were Linkin Park, Stone Temple Pilots, Attach in Black, Sam Roberts plus many more.
I will be later this week back to develop a few more photos from the negatives. I have to still go through what I took with my DSLR but was more interested in what I got on film. During Linkin Park and STP it was almost impossible to try and get off any decent shots, they had the media pit right in front of the stage and people from the mosh pit kept flying into the area so every time you would try and get a photo off some body would come flying by. I didn't care to much I was more interested in trying out film with live bands. And unlike any other show I have shot this year they gave no stage access at all which really sucked. Only two more shows I want passes for this summer but not looking good, may have waited to long.
PS: Sorry if some of my photos from previous threads have gone missing, was what I thought cleaning up one of my Flikr accounts and removed a bunch of photos, turned out I removed the photos from the wrong account lol. ooooopppsss.