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Panoramic Pond....

This is a discussion on Panoramic Pond.... within the Critiques forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; Hello All, Would like your thoughts on this panoramic hdr I took this morning....

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    Default Panoramic Pond....

    Hello All,

    Would like your thoughts on this panoramic hdr I took this morning.
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    I dont seem to have any comments for this image...? Is it that bad..?
    I have shown it to freinds and family, They all say it great.
    I like it my self...But I wish I had shot it in portrait so that I had all the tree in veiw.

  3. #3
    AntZ's Avatar
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    I like it. It is definitely a scene worth capturing. I like the contrast and lighting. The biggest distraction for me is the chopped off tree right in the middle of the frame. I think the chopped tree would work if it was off to the side especially if on the edge of the frame. I would think about cropping the fence (as it leads the eye to nothing in particular) keeping the left part. This would put the chopped tree on the edge of the pic and have a better image over all. Sometimes less is more.

    There is some uneven lighting in the sky that you could probably fix in photoshop.

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    scorpio_e's Avatar
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    It has pretty much been said already. The skies need a little photo shop and center tree cropped is a bit of an issue for me to....

    Overall I would say it is well done and a wall hanger

    My mistake has been seeking new landscapes. I should have been seeking new light.

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    Mad Aussie's Avatar
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    Sometimes things slip through ... .good on you for speaking up and and 'bumping your thread' so we saw it. I've been working away from home so I've probably missed a lot lately.

    This is a lovely scene. Easy to see why you chose to shoot this.

    I agree with the cropped tree and the sky colour differences.

    I would also clone out the sign on the right as it stands out too much. Looks like something stuck on the screen

    Apart from that the shot is a bit small to really get in and critique anymore than that.

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    Iguanasan's Avatar
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    Yeah, I know I've missed a bunch lately myself. Sorry.

    Generally, it's a nice shot and seems to have been a nice location. Other's have hit the highlights in terms of critiques so I can't really add to that, however, here's a tip that seems obvious after you hear it but escaped me until I was told. Next time you plan a panorama turn the camera to portrait mode. (on it's side). You'll get more height out of your panoramas and be less likely to cut off the top of a tree.
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    ericmark is offline Senior Member
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    To me the problem with all panorama images is where can you use it? As a result the taller the better to get whole image into a usable format. So I normally hold the camera in portrait mode and take a few more shots to compensate. Photoshop CS4 will let you take in both directions and I have taken a 3 x 4 shot but of course not with the type of shot you have taken. However I have done a 5 x 2 and will admit sometimes photoshop can't work out where to put all the bits and it has failed.

    This brings one to the centre tree and to expand the centre to capture whole tree would likely also bring the whole image to more usable relation between height and length.

    From what I read Photoshop CS5 should get rid of this problem but not sure if on a student licence.

    Sorry I did not reply before I was in middle of exams. I also tried a panorama and I had to use clone stamp to fill in some holes where I had not taken enough images at the sides.

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    Marko's Avatar
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    I'd love to see this larger. I agree with the critiques here especially the tree crop. Wonderful tones here
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