Is ther to much stuff in this shot? I like it but... it's pretty busy.
This is a discussion on Clouds and Fence and.... within the Critiques forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; Is ther to much stuff in this shot? I like it but... it's pretty busy....
Is ther to much stuff in this shot? I like it but... it's pretty busy.
Hmmmm.... Interesting. Your initial question I think I can answer. No, it's not too busy but I don't think the subject is well defined. The subject in this image is the fence. The fluffy white clouds and blue sky is a great back drop.
Having the horizon in the middle doesn't work for me here. I would like to chop off some of the background on this one as the foreground is interesting, however, the fence post is positioned in such a way that you run the risk of cropping that off when you try to move the horizon around.
Overall it has a lot of promise and it's a good find. I like the DOF, the exposure's pretty good though the light is a bit harsh, I'm thinking a lunch time shot? Your instincts are right, I would just work on the composition a bit.
I think in this case not being so close to the fence and making much more of the cloud formation would have been a stronger composition. I'd have also shot from a higher camera angle as well.
What this would have achieved would be to reduce the various elements and busy-ness of the fence into one element ... the fence .... with a very strong, cool cloud heading it's way.
thankyou for the suggestions. Gale
Answering your question, yes I think there is too much in the picture. A crop around the fence corner would sound much more like me.