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Help needed

This is a discussion on Help needed within the Critiques forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; Just thought I'd throw these out there for feedback....

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    Bandit's Avatar
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    Default Help needed

    Just thought I'd throw these out there for feedback.
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    Mad Aussie's Avatar
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    That's a seriously cool tree those Ospreys are in. Needs some contrast though. Looks a tad over exposed.

    The 2nd shot ... the birds eye is too dark for my liking.

    The 1st shot ... I like the perspective shot across the trailers but I can't say I find the shot appealing or interesting to me personally.

  3. #3
    gramtech is offline Junior Member
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    I agree with Mad Aussie's comments on the second two but wanted to add a bit more feedback on the first.

    The reason, I feel, the first shot lacks interest is form the distracting out of focus poles towards the front of the image.

    otherwise great photos.

  4. #4
    casil403's Avatar
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    MA pretty much summed it up for me also....

    I am going to ask though, what did you see in shot one that appealed to you?
    I am curious because perhaps there was something you saw that isn't being conveyed in the image...knowing what it is that you saw when you shot the photo might help better figure out how best you could have composed the shot to better portray it in the image.
    Do you have any editing software in your computer? If you do,try adjusting the exposure slider a bit darker....might help.
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    Bambi's Avatar
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    yes MA did sum it up and Casil's point is well taken.

    The eye needs to be sharper in the bird shot. That tree though is incredible. I would be taking tons of it and playing with it in post processing to see what I could get.
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    Iguanasan's Avatar
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    Some interesting and nice shots here. Here's what I see...

    1. Agree with everything everyone else is saying.

    2. This is a tough exposure shot. The bright overexposed white areas and the dark black eye. Both lack definition because of the dynamic range. This, if possible, would have been a good candidate for HDR or better taken at a different time of day.

    3. This is a really great shot but you should totally cut off the bottom 1/3 or so. Just above the greenery. The starkness of the tree combined with the birds would be so cool. Might even try this one in black and white.
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    Bandit's Avatar
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    OK, well the trailer shot I just happen to go past the parking area and said what the heck, I'll take it and see what happens. Nothing special there.
    I will do more with that tree, it's definitely cool and easily accessible so you will probably see more.
    I don't have any high powered editing software, I use picasa for now which does a little but nothing to write home about.
    The bird I guess was just operator error, I don't know why that's not tack sharp, I was close enough and had time.

  8. #8
    Mad Aussie's Avatar
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    Just keep shooting away and practicing Bandit ... you are doing exactly the right thing in order to learn quickly. You are shooting AND putting yourself out there for us to honestly critique your efforts. Great way to improve!

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    Bambi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mad Aussie View Post
    Just keep shooting away and practicing Bandit ... you are doing exactly the right thing in order to learn quickly. You are shooting AND putting yourself out there for us to honestly critique your efforts. Great way to improve!
    absolutely what MA said. GIMP is also a free download and very powerful as an editing program.
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