This shot is fine and would not convey the same emotion if her eyes were open. I do agree that she would actually look odd, you try opening your mouth as if you were singing like that then open your eyes and look in the mirror.Yes, Travis, but I have also seen singers in the same position with their eyes wide open in more effective shots and hey, I am not being an egomaniac either just repeating criticism that I have received from some of my event shots in the far past and I learned that it was valid
I personally can not recall a time seeing a singer belting out a physically demanding note where there eyes are not at least severely squinted and face contorted.
Also you can pull out all the dictionary quotes you want this is not a portrait,
according to your post what the person is doing is irrelevant a picture of a football player diving for a touchdown would be a portrait. When I want to learn how to take a picture of a football player scoring a touchdown I don't go out and buy a how to take portraits book.
The only thing your argument serves is the argument.