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Stop for an Ale

This is a discussion on Stop for an Ale within the Critiques forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; Took this one a couple of weeks back. The sky was grey then too :( Wondering what some of you ...

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    Iguanasan's Avatar
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    Default Stop for an Ale

    Took this one a couple of weeks back. The sky was grey then too :(

    Wondering what some of you may have done differently as I'm not sure I really like this one.

    Name:  IMG_6325.jpg
Views: 1359
Size:  62.2 KB

    Here's a link to the original CR2 file if anyone wants to play:
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    JAS_Photo's Avatar
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    I like the idea but you have a lot going on around the edges but do not have a cohesive whole. You may have to settle for just the two main elements and eliminate extraneous distractions such as ( sadly ) the clock tower, the filigree wall and even some of the pole to pull it all together.
    Last edited by JAS_Photo; 03-05-2010 at 02:50 AM.

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    Mad Aussie's Avatar
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    Iguanasan's Avatar
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    Cool, MA! See, I knew it would look better with blue's just that I haven't seen blue sky in 3+ weeks so I couldn't really imagine it :(

    I never think to crop anything that narrow either. I always assume I'm going to print it at 8x10 and almost always crop to that size. Do the rest of you crop to the image or to a specific print size?
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    Quote Originally Posted by JAS_Photo View Post
    I like the idea but you have a lot going on around the edges but do not have a cohesive whole. You may have to settle for just the two main elements and eliminate extraneous distractions such as ( sadly ) the clock tower, the filigree wall and even some of the pole to pull it all together.
    Yeah, it's too busy... I like MA's crop which eliminates the building on the right. I was hoping to keep the clock tower as it's iconically "Halifax". Maybe I'll re-visit and see if I can find a better angle. As it was I was out in the middle of the street for that one.
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    Cool shot Iggy! I too sometimes crop in very weird ways, and MA's excellent crop would look very fine centered on an 8x10.

    For me the biggest issue on the original image was the crop at the top of the image, it needed more breathing room imo...aside from that, the composition did work for me. Hope that helps - Marko
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iguanasan View Post
    Cool, MA! See, I knew it would look better with blue's just that I haven't seen blue sky in 3+ weeks so I couldn't really imagine it :(

    I never think to crop anything that narrow either. I always assume I'm going to print it at 8x10 and almost always crop to that size. Do the rest of you crop to the image or to a specific print size?
    I only cropped it that narrow because of what I had to work with. If I'd taken it then I'd have composed it so a 3x2 aspect ratio (what my camera takes) was maintained for printing purposes.

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    Nothing to add, but the image is giving me a Homer Simpson moment- I want the cool refreshing beer, but the street crossing sign says stop! Doh!

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    Quote Originally Posted by F8&Bthere View Post
    Nothing to add, but the image is giving me a Homer Simpson moment- I want the cool refreshing beer, but the street crossing sign says stop! Doh!
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    I usually assume Im going to print the picture as it is framed through the camera. I rarely do much cropping in PP. With that being said, sometimes it is necessary to crop an image otherwise. Not being too familiar with Halifax, I really see no relation between the sign and the tower. I probably would have framed it horizontally, maintaining the brick wall on the right, and keeping the sign on the left. Exclude the pedestrian sign, and include a little more of the Alehouse sign and that is what I might have done with this. MAybe what he did is a little more appropriate for your vision. I would go back.

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