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Tree and Fence

This is a discussion on Tree and Fence within the Critiques forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; Ok, rip it apart. I'm struggling with this one. They say a good photographer can make anything look good. Obviously, ...

  1. #1
    Iguanasan's Avatar
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    Default Tree and Fence

    Ok, rip it apart. I'm struggling with this one. They say a good photographer can make anything look good. Obviously, I am not yet a good photographer because I've tried but just can't seem to get this shot. This is an interesting subject to me. I think it's cool that the tree has grown around the fence. I just can't seem to make the shot work :(

    Name:  IMG_4573.jpg
Views: 1397
Size:  128.9 KB
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  2. #2
    Mad Aussie's Avatar
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    Start with some curves treatment Iggy ... it's quite a bit too dark.
    Last edited by Mad Aussie; 09-21-2009 at 02:59 PM.

  3. #3
    tomorrowstreasures is offline Senior Member
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    i think is what you are missing are highlights to give the thing dimension and drama.

    an aside. that poor tree. it just makes me sick to see what man appears to do to nature. - then looking at the photo again, was the tree there first or the fence? still. makes me sad.

  4. #4
    corporallouis is offline Senior Member
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    It's funny the tree hasn't lifted the iron fence completely out of the ground. Must be well anchored from the look of the tree. I've found old farm implements like this also. The farmer left them and walked away and nature took over. Neatest one I ever saw was a headstone 80% engulfed by a tree. Like what has been said . . it is very dark. Loses the effect I think you're going for. Easy fix as suggested.

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    Iguanasan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tomorrowstreasures View Post
    i think is what you are missing are highlights to give the thing dimension and drama.

    an aside. that poor tree. it just makes me sick to see what man appears to do to nature. - then looking at the photo again, was the tree there first or the fence? still. makes me sad.
    I'm not 100% which come first but I'm quite sure the tree is the "bad guy" here - just joking - the tree is growing around the fence though. Just like this tree didn't care about the bicycle that was sitting against it:
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    Marko's Avatar
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    Yup the shot is way dark.
    I think you also framed it a bit too close. Pulling back would have revealed a bit more background that I think that would have given the shot a better context. Hope that helps - Marko
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  7. #7
    jlabel is offline Senior Member
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    YOur picture is too underexposed, and you could try another angle and a bit less close maybe upside down or 45 degrees


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