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Red Rubber Ball

This is a discussion on Red Rubber Ball within the Critiques forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; An almost 5 year old really, really struggles to "model" for grandma....

  1. #1
    tomorrowstreasures is offline Senior Member
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    Default Red Rubber Ball

    Name:  ate balloon.jpg
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    An almost 5 year old really, really struggles to "model" for grandma.

  2. #2
    JohnnyRay is offline Junior Member
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    Thumbs up

    Excellent shot I like how he is looking over the "bubble"

  3. #3
    Iguanasan's Avatar
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    I find it a little hard to critique with such a small image to work from but I'll try.

    I think you've mentioned before that he doesn't sit still very long so maybe that explains why he's so near the edge of the frame. His ear is very nearly chopped off so I would have liked to see a little more room on that side. Either that or crop it that close on the other side and fill the frame with his face.

    I can, if I look closely, see a couple of nice catch lights in his eyes so they look pretty sharp which will make Marko happy

    I love the colours and the capture. Looks like quite an adventure to get a clean photo of him!
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  4. #4
    tomorrowstreasures is offline Senior Member
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    Johnny Ray - thanks so much!

    Quote Originally Posted by Iguanasan View Post
    I find it a little hard to critique with such a small image to work from but I'll try.

    I think you've mentioned before that he doesn't sit still very long so maybe that explains why he's so near the edge of the frame. His ear is very nearly chopped off so I would have liked to see a little more room on that side. Either that or crop it that close on the other side and fill the frame with his face.

    I can, if I look closely, see a couple of nice catch lights in his eyes so they look pretty sharp which will make Marko happy

    I love the colours and the capture. Looks like quite an adventure to get a clean photo of him!
    hey Igs. thanks for the fb! In a minute, i am going to upload the same photo but this time, with a quick pp job through picasa

  5. #5
    tomorrowstreasures is offline Senior Member
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    Name:  ate ball bw.jpg
Views: 308
Size:  39.4 KB
    same photo - which one do you prefer? color or this bw w/ color? different crop too

  6. #6
    casil403's Avatar
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    I think the ball in #2 kind of overwhelms your lovely grandson.
    I would love to see his beautiful blue eyes that are nice and sharp in colour and the rest in B&W!
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  7. #7
    Iguanasan's Avatar
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    You are welcome. I like to help if I can. This one is much nicer in composition. I prefer the balance. I like the B&W/Colour processing very much though I think you had great tones in the full colour image too. If you wanted to do one thing to make it really cool then edit (note: this is the type of editing I suck at out his shoulder. I find it a bit distracting.
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  8. #8
    tomorrowstreasures is offline Senior Member
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    balloon became orange,face became b/w , eyes are blue Name:  IMG_7801 2 small file.jpg
Views: 290
Size:  217.0 KB


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