with my camera.
Together with some other photographing people I’ve visited yesterday a wildlife park. This guy was one of my victims ;-):
This is a discussion on Shooted... within the Critiques forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; ...
with my camera.
Together with some other photographing people I’ve visited yesterday a wildlife park. This guy was one of my victims ;-):
Hmmm... I like the image but I'd try and do something to reduce the extreme brightness of the upper background. You might also try some selective brightening of the animal's face as it's just a bit under-exposed.
I absolutely agree with tirediron. The perspective is good, as is and unusual way to show this animal (that's already in an anusual position). But you probably should have stood a little bit higher, so the overexposed area would have been excluded. I don't think there is much to do about it now(unless you crop part of the horns). But you could make the animal's face, and specially the eye, a little bit brigher.