Hello fellow photo enthusiasts,
As I mentioned when introducing I have visited China recently and made some photo´s there. Actually a lot of them and I am looking for the best way to make something from them. I am working with Animoto.com so that is a nice medium to work with. But if you have any suggestion how I can make a nice presentable overview of a lot of photographs I would appreciate your input.
Anyway I also want to share some with you I have a selection of about 15 (but loads more to chose from) but not to overload and first and wait for some comments. So here 4 of them and comments are welcome. My feeling is that these 4 are too much so I removed and keep them till later time (As I do hope to learn more on these photograpy conditions)
This is an experiment that I did.
I was on a big square in front of our hotel in de evening (very low light) looking to photograph some people. In this case there was a relative long exposure and I followed the subject giving the non recognisable background and the ghostly people from the movement but partly recogniseable, that was intentionally done and succesfull for my needs.
I shot this with my Sony A-200 and a Sigma 70-210 zoom with mininal light and no flash.
Well let me know what you think and where I can (or hopefully won' t need to) improve my skills.