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A Fallen King

This is a discussion on A Fallen King within the Critiques forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; This is the first time since high school I staged a photo. This was re-touched to smooth some of the ...

  1. #1
    zenador is offline Member
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    Default A Fallen King

    This is the first time since high school I staged a photo. This was re-touched to smooth some of the lines on the glass pieces, and to remove some distracting background elements. I think the knight should have been on an angle to provide more profile.

    Comment away....


  2. #2
    Iguanasan's Avatar
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    I like the idea of the shot but I think there are a couple of issues with it from my perspective.

    From a chess perspective, the piece position looks unrealistic. I can't imagine how the king would be where it was. Sorry, I'm a bit crazy about stuff like that.

    It would be fine to have the king in focus and the others out of focus as long as they were in the background. Having the foreground element out of focus here doesn't work for me at all.
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  3. #3
    Mad Aussie's Avatar
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    I think for me the quick answer is I like the idea/play here but feel you could have set it up a little better.

    Firstly the 'fallen king' is the subject so it should be obvious in that role. I'd suggest turning the king so we can see his cross.

    I'd also choose a DOF that isolates the king more from the background pieces and keeps the king sharp or at least his cross sharp.

    Thirdly I'd try to arrange the background pieces in a way that leads the eye back to the fallen king. Make sure you do that in a believable way though ... we don't want to upset Iguanasan again by not having the choreographing correct

    Another 'leading line' suggestion might be to take the shot on an angle that uses the chess board lines to lead us to the King also.


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