This was taken last summer, just changed to b/w and cropped.
This is a discussion on Wow within the Critiques forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; This was taken last summer, just changed to b/w and cropped....
This was taken last summer, just changed to b/w and cropped.
This is a nice shot with a good expression from the child and it shows the environment. The focus on the eyes is slighly off (the sweater is sharper than the eyes) but it's not too distracting for me and the child was probably moving so it's tough to get tack sharp on the eyes.
If this were my shot I might try some burning in on the top left and top right to reduce the brightness, but aside from that it's pretty sweet.
Nice shot!
Good catch, but I think it would be more effective in colour and the busy background situation needs to be looked at, as a distracting problem that needs to be solved.