OK, go easy pleaseI've very, very new to photography and am really just feeling out what style I like..
This is a discussion on CBD Language within the Critiques forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; OK, go easy please I've very, very new to photography and am really just feeling out what style I like.....
OK, go easy pleaseI've very, very new to photography and am really just feeling out what style I like..
Welcome; an interesting image; my main comment would be that I think the image would be better served by by composing more of the graffitti wall and less of the remainder of the alley, which doesn't add a lot of interest to the image.
I agree with TI
That bright part of the photo where the sun slams that wall is simply a distraction from your subject. Cropping this shot down to eliminate that would certainly strengthen the image.
tirediron, Mad Aussie - Thanks guys, after studying the image further, I can see your points.. It's not a great shot to begin with, which doesn't helpThanks again!
You'll learn quickly around here. A great range of experience, opinions and viewpoints to garnish![]()
For some positives, I like the Depth of Field(a bit deeper may have been better). If there was something interesting down the alley it would have been a slightly better composition, or if the person was some how related like if they were the "artists".
Me on Flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/mtb_antz
Yup what they said.
At the end of the day most images have a clear focal point and in this image it is the wall. Anything that steals the attention from that wall lessens the impact of the photo. In general, brighter elements attract the eye; so if the brightness isn't associated with the main focal point or even the secondary focal point (if there is one - in this case it might be the road parallel to the wall ) it is a distraction.
hope that helps
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"You have to milk the cow quite a lot, and get plenty of milk to get a little cheese." Henri Cartier-Bresson from The Decisive Moment.
AntZ, Marko - Thanks guys for your feedback, it's got me enthused to get out there and improve!