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Coloured Sands

This is a discussion on Coloured Sands within the Critiques forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; This is an older shot, but I gave is a slightly different crop. I still struggled to with the foreground. ...

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    AntZ's Avatar
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    Default Coloured Sands

    This is an older shot, but I gave is a slightly different crop. I still struggled to with the foreground. I thought about cropping out the sand, but liked the bushes even less. Any thoughts?
    I like the dramatic sky, but it there too much, such that the main cliff is too small in the pic?
    The coloured sand cliffs are a tourist attraction the famous World Heritage Listed Fraser Island off the Queensland Coast. It is the largest sand Island in the world.

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    casil403's Avatar
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    For me AntZ, I think there's a bit too much sky in this shot, but I love the sand cliffs and the colours.
    I dunno if that is helpful or not, but I figured I'd share.
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    Greg_Nuspel's Avatar
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    I agree with the too much sky, from the title I would say the sand is your focus but you have included 50% sky that doesn't convey the idea. The sand is wonderful and that is your subject so show it off and clear out the noise.

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    Gem is offline Senior Member
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    Yup, I'd say to cut down on the sky. Although, it really does add a touch of the dramatic.
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    JAS_Photo's Avatar
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    Yes, if you cut the sky quite a bit, it completey changes the focus of the picture and your emphasis becomes more on the cliffs instead of your eyes roaming up and down.

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    tirediron is offline Senior Member
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    Mad Aussie's Avatar
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    For me I think I'd crop it more landscape. Leave the sand in for sure. I know you'll lose some of that heavy, dramatic sky but you can get that back with some creative burning.

    I'd look closely at the tone/curves as well. That might help lift those dead looking greens a little. This was a good candidate for an HDR or similar trreatment.

    As a rule I usually shoot landscape shots as landscape instead of portrait for a few reasons. One is most of the photos are displayed on a monitor which is ... landscape. That makes the photo more impacting right away I think.
    The other reason is there is usually more to see around the scene rather than top and bottom (always exceptions to the rule though of course) and lastly, if I take it landscape then I can usually crop it portrait later if I want but it's more difficult the other way due to not catching as much scene laterally with portrait.

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    AntZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mad Aussie View Post
    For me I think I'd crop it more landscape. Leave the sand in for sure.

    I'd look closely at the tone/curves as well. That might help lift those dead looking greens a little. This was a good candidate for an HDR or similar trreatment.

    As a rule I usually shoot landscape shots as landscape instead of portrait for a few reasons. One is most of the photos are displayed on a monitor which is ... landscape.
    Thanks MA and others.
    How is this?

    I decided to crop out the foreground sand all together. I also lifted the greens in the bushes and they become more of a feature and less of a "dead" distraction. I think this is much better. Very happy that your feedback has resulted in a better photo for me.

    The reason it was shot portrait to begin with was to capture a sign in the near forground for documentry purposes. I should also have shot the landscape too. Something to remember!
    Last edited by AntZ; 03-21-2009 at 05:58 PM.

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    JAS_Photo's Avatar
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    I just took a look at them side by side on your flickrRiver and the new one has the 'punch' lacking in the first. Good job!

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    Greg_Nuspel's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Much better

    Now the cliffs jump at me and say "I wonderful and don't you forget it."

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