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Photo Shoot

This is a discussion on Photo Shoot within the Critiques forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; Well in these long cold winter months up here in the north, we have to find something to keep the ...

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    Default Photo Shoot

    Well in these long cold winter months up here in the north, we have to find something to keep the kids busy. So on their winter holiday I invited my little sister and here friends to a photo shoot. It was perfect, I needed the practice and they needed something to do. These are some of their portraits.

    Please tell me what you think. What could be better? Is there too much photoshop?

    Thanks in advance for your C&C

    EDIT- Sorry about the size. Next time smaller...
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  2. #2
    Mad Aussie's Avatar
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    You've used the 'manage attachments' feature so we can immediately assume thse look a bit sharper on your pc than they do here. Uploading them to Flickr, Photobucket or similar and linking back here tends to get a clearer, sharper display.

    And I like the size ... at least we can see the photo properly and therefore have the opportunity to give you more accurate feedback. I find around 800 on the longest side seems to work well. Some people find 1024 just a bit large.

    Shot 1 - What a great example ... of how some angles are flattering ... and, in this case, some are not. Sorry, but looking at her tonsils just isn't a great look at all.
    It also appears the focus here has landed on her scarf leaving her eyes very soft, which is just a polite way to say blurred. Sharp eyes are very important in a portrait unless theres some very good reason to not have them focused perfectly.
    As a B&W thought it looks like you got a really good tonal range!

    Shot 2 - Nice pose and composition here. It looks a little soft again but again I realise partly why this is. Still I think the eyes could gain be a bit sharper.
    It appears like you've had very nice lighting for these shots. A low dynamic range perhaps OR you are very good at controlling the light indeed. The lack of shadows seems to suugest this.
    You've lost a bit of detail in that black coat but with it constrasted against such a blonde face I think you've done really well and it's a tiny point in this case I think.
    Nice photo!

    Shot 3 - Another nice pose, composition and excellent exposure too. Again a little soft but I think the biggest thing is I would like to see a little less DOF. This would blur the trees a little more and make your subject stand out from the background better. Certainly a little thing though.
    Nice photo again!

    Shot 4 - And yet again, a nice pose and great exposure once more. Unfortunately, once again the focus hasn't nailed those eyes which is a shame.
    Apart from that it's an excellent photo indeed!

    Are ALL your friends that pretty?? It looks more like you had a bunch of models rock up instead of a few mates. If they are friends ... what are we all doing Friday night!!!

  3. #3
    jjeling's Avatar
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    I agree with everything MA said here. Yep.

    Photography is more than just taking a picture and freezing the action, or leaving the shutter open. It is more than orchestrating the image with the stroke of a brush. Its the realization and explanation that reality is an isolated experience in which only a specific individual can comprehend during any given time period. - Your Truly!

  4. #4
    MoinMoin's Avatar
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    Hello slightlyimperfect,

    I only can tell in my amateur words - but here it is ;-):

    The 3. photo is the best for me - quite right colours & light.
    The 2. photo I like fine, but in my eyes (or it is my monitor) her right site is slightly too bright?
    The 4. photo is very cute because of the glance of the right girl - but here I woold like a little bit more contrast.

    Just my humbled opinion. And at least I have to say, I wish I could make such nice portraits, only I have no "hand" for people pictures.

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    Default thanks as always

    Thank you all very much for your C&C. Life is busy I appreciate you all took the time out to write what you did. I really see where I can make improvements where I didn't see it before. I guess that's why we post right?

    Mad Aussie as to the comment those "models" Come on its my little sister and her friends...almost all are under 19....hahaha

    Maybe some Friday in about four years though I can hook ya up.

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    Mad Aussie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slightlyimperfect View Post
    Thank you all very much for your C&C. Life is busy I appreciate you all took the time out to write what you did. I really see where I can make improvements where I didn't see it before. I guess that's why we post right?

    Mad Aussie as to the comment those "models" Come on its my little sister and her friends...almost all are under 19....hahaha

    Maybe some Friday in about four years though I can hook ya up.
    Maybe not ... my wife is married to me

    On top of that ... it's taken 20 years to get one girl out of this house and the other (22 yrs) is still here ... last thing I need is more teeny boppers around

    They are pretty bunch of girls though.

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    I'll tell them you said so. They probably will like that...a photographer from Australia...sure they will.


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