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cant get the eyes fixed

This is a discussion on cant get the eyes fixed within the Critiques forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; I took this photo indoors with a flash, for some reason the eyes went blue, any comments and suggestions?...

  1. #1
    jventer's Avatar
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    Default cant get the eyes fixed

    I took this photo indoors with a flash, for some reason the eyes went blue, any comments and suggestions?

  2. #2
    jlabel is offline Senior Member
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    This is odd, but is the same thing as red eyes, when on dark places your pupils will be wide open to let more light in and see things, if you pop up a flash with your pupils open you will see the reflection of blood vessesls or whatever is inside the eyeball so the red eyes. I guess animals have some other reflecting material inside their eyes so the odd looking reflection

  3. #3
    Iguanasan's Avatar
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    Yes, animals are different. My cat's eyes always end up very yellow if I use a flash. You need to get the flash off the camera or go for a natural light and you'll find everything calms down nicely.
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  4. #4
    kkjensen is offline Junior Member
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    We humans have rods (for seeing high/low black/white contrasts) and cones (for color tones) Our cones are at the center of our eye which is why we scare ourselves seeing shadows out of the corner of our eye...those 'corners' and their cones are just more sensitive in the dark. Dogs only have cones and, I guess for some reason, have a different color.

    Try to avoid a pop-up flash or flash on a compact camera...they are too close too to the lens so it's like when the doctor shines the little light in your eye and then peers through your're camera is doing the same thing. You're shooting light into the eye and then taking a photo along the same axis. If the light comes from one direction and the photo taken from another then you're not causing the retina to be illuminated when the photo is taken.

    A bit more ambient light will also close the iris a bit (too much doesn't look very good either) so you might solve the blue eyes and avoid having to use a flash all at once there's a bit more light in the room.

    I'm not good enough with photoshop/gimp to be able to tell you how to correct the blue with postprocessing though...

    Good luck!

  5. #5
    mindforge is offline Senior Member
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    Some animals are different too. Reptiles will do different than dogs, cats do different (gold I think).

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    jventer's Avatar
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    Thanks for the advice

  7. #7
    Mad Aussie's Avatar
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    That's fixable in PS Jventer ... might need manual attention rather than any of the automatic treatments but I reckon that is definitely fixable. I'll have a go at it for you.
    Last edited by Mad Aussie; 03-11-2009 at 02:43 AM.

  8. #8
    Mad Aussie's Avatar
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    Here you go Jventer ... it was quite easy.

    I masked around the eyes and then used the Replace Colour feature in PS.

    I also selectively sharpened him a little and darkened the shirt so the dog stood out a bit more ... but that was just me getting carried away

    Anyway ... hope that helps you to adjust your full sized shot and you don't mind me doing that with your image.
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    jventer's Avatar
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    Thanks very much I will try it today and see how it comes out I am still very new to photo shop and still need to learn alot about it

  10. #10
    Mad Aussie's Avatar
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    You're welcome. If I took more time I'm sure I could sharpen his eyes up a bit more also but I was mainly just seeing how easily I could fixed the 'blue eye'


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