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Which composition is best?

This is a discussion on Which composition is best? within the Critiques forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; These thatched roof units can be rented at a local beach near our home in Thailand. Which one is the ...

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    popem77 is offline Member
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    Default Which composition is best?

    These thatched roof units can be rented at a local beach near our home in Thailand. Which one is the stronger composition? Which one tells a better story? I prefer #2 as I think it is a cleaner image (i.e., less distractions)Name:  DSC_0201.jpg
Views: 410
Size:  153.3 KBName:  DSC_0277.jpg
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Size:  247.4 KB. Like to hear your thoughts

  2. #2
    theantiquetiger's Avatar
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    I like the first one better with the curvature of the huts.
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    Iguanasan's Avatar
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    I like number one because it includes the boats and people. You had a high contrast situation since you had taken the shot around noon. There are two ways to deal with this and that is to try and average it out so that you retain some detail in the shadows and the whites. This seems to be what you've done as I can see a bit of detail in the clouds.

    The other solution to this problem is to expose for the subjects which are the people, boats and little huts that really make the shot and let the sky get completely blown out. I think that would have made a more interesting shot. If you shoot in RAW then go back to the RAW image and see if you can pull out more detail in the subject and don't worry about the sky. I think you'll like that shot better.
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    Runmonty's Avatar
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    I think the 2nd shot is a better illustration of what the huts are actually like, but I like the sweeping curves of the first one and in this one it gives them a bit of perspective as to how they are arranged and sense of location. (plus I like the swimmer)

    Just wondering which part of Thailand are you from?
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    Marko's Avatar
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    I think shot 2 has the better overall composition but both shots were taken in harsh light.

    Both shots would have been much better had they been taken at a time (much later or earlier in the day) where we can see more detail in the highlights and/or more detail in the shadows.
    The story is obscured here for me in both images.
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    You could easily add some sky detail with another image. Here is one you could use if you want. Give me your email and I can send it to you
    Last edited by theantiquetiger; 06-05-2013 at 09:37 AM.
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  7. #7
    popem77 is offline Member
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    Runmonty, I am from Canada but currently reside in Khon Kaen, Thailand (the Northeast). Thanks for taking the time to make a note.

    Thanks for all the comments from the rest as well; quite helpful. I will go back to this location soon and take another at golden hour so as to make a stronger image.
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