I also participated in the Worldwide Photo Walk a.k.a. WWPW in Calgary on Saturday. The trouble is having to choose one photo to enter in the contest. There were 35 photographers, many with better equipment than I have. It was interesting to observe what others shot, as well as to try to slow down and not get caught up in hurrying along with the rest. Didn't go that well. Anyway, here are five wildly different shots I thought were candidates, and I'd be happy to hear opinions. There is a Flickr group Flickr: WWPW Calgary 2012 that has some other photographers' shots as well as my own if you are interested. Comments and critiques much appreciated.
1. Bird in the Bush
2. Bakery
3. Behind the Garage
4. One tree, many branches
5. Joggers with Stroller or Pink Socks, Really?