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LR Filter that I use for series of photographs.

This is a discussion on LR Filter that I use for series of photographs. within the Critiques forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; This a photo I took in Los Angeles couple days ago, while on a photoshoot. It clearly shows a filter ...

  1. #1
    dsedov is offline Junior Member
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    Default LR Filter that I use for series of photographs.

    This a photo I took in Los Angeles couple days ago, while on a photoshoot. It clearly shows a filter that I'm using. I plan on doing a series of photographs with it. Idea behind this is to clearly show the subject with as much distraction as possible.

    Name:  20120726-F12A7972.jpg
Views: 402
Size:  142.1 KB

  2. #2
    Marko's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum and glad u found us!

    Interesting concept...although it's the exact opposite of what 99% of the other photographers are doing - myself included. That don't mean squat tho. Rules often need challenging and breaking.

    The composition here is very strong (looks like a triptych as well) and provocative and in this case, imo, the filter sort of (not 100% sure yet) works with the subject matter. I like the coolness of the filter. I'd put a black border around this for sure, but that might tame the edge brightness distractions at the top and right and not sure you want that.

    Hope that may help and I'm very interested to see more shots from this series.
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    dsedov is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marko View Post
    Welcome to the forum and glad u found us!

    Interesting concept...although it's the exact opposite of what 99% of the other photographers are doing - myself included. That don't mean squat tho. Rules often need challenging and breaking.

    The composition here is very strong (looks like a triptych as well) and provocative and in this case, imo, the filter sort of (not 100% sure yet) works with the subject matter. I like the coolness of the filter. I'd put a black border around this for sure, but that might tame the edge brightness distractions at the top and right and not sure you want that.

    Hope that may help and I'm very interested to see more shots from this series.
    Thank you! I found that by using this filter I started taking photographs differently, as you can't just apply it to anything and achieve the same result. I now look for stronger contrast and choose the right angle, right time of day to make it work. Here is another example that illustrates it greatly:

    Name:  20120727-F12A8095.jpg
Views: 329
Size:  116.3 KB

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    Iguanasan's Avatar
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    Definitely an interesting take on the world... I too am curious to see more of your images.
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