Hello again. I keep dipping in & out of this forum. I really like it, but my young kids (2yrs & 3 weeks) keep me so busy that I struggle to do more than read the forum most of the time. I'm definitely an amateur/wantabe photographer, but I'd really love your feedback. I'm interested in the post processes that people apply to their images, as well as tips for taking my shots. My subjects are most likely going to be my kids as I don't have any time without them. Hopefully when they're a bit older I'll have a bit more freedom to experiment.
This shot is of my new 3 week old son. I'm not in love with the composition, but unfortunately I haven't had a lot of time to play with the image. I picked this image because he's 'looking' at the camera, but unfortunately he moved his hand into the sunlight and it became very over exposed (hence the cropping). I've experimented with creating a coloured black (not sure the correct term), rather than just desaturating it. It has a slight purple tinge to it. I also experimented with high pass sharpening.
Anyway, your advice is very welcome. Although don't make me cry, I'm sleep deprived & hormonal![]()