She's just learned to walk. 50mm, f 1.4. B+W conversion using Gimp channel mixer. I appreciate your insight. -Landon
This is a discussion on my happy girl within the Critiques forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; She's just learned to walk. 50mm, f 1.4. B+W conversion using Gimp channel mixer. I appreciate your insight. -Landon...
She's just learned to walk. 50mm, f 1.4. B+W conversion using Gimp channel mixer. I appreciate your insight. -Landon
a little bit of flair on the viewer's left of her little hand
Man, I am waiting for my new 50mm 1.4G - back ordered.
Great shot. You have some blown out spots (see her hand, cheeks and forehead) - this looks like a spontaneous shot though, maybe a little unavoidable. I am a shoot the shot first, then take settings and set for a better one if I can.
I like the capture though.
How do you like Gimp? I am a photoshop user, just curious because I know Gimp is free.
The lens is the Sigma 50mm 1.4 HSM. I love it. It's taken some time to get used to. When used right it nails the focus. There is almost no distortion. The low minimum apterture has it's obvious bennifits, both creative and practical.
Gimp is OK. It provides the features I need most: curves, layers and masks, and various black and white conversions. I've had it crash several times when working on large photos with lots of layers. It lacks Photoshop features such as non-distructive adjustment layers. It has a great community behind it, and I think it'll keep getting better, although Photoshop has a quicker pace.
I can't bring myself to buy photoshop. That's a lot of money I feel would be better spent toward hardware.