In Visalia, in Central California, we just had a big storm come through. I got out before it started and took a bunch of pictures. I like this one and just wanted some feedback on it.
This is a discussion on Ready for Rain: Critique within the Critiques forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; In Visalia, in Central California, we just had a big storm come through. I got out before it started and ...
In Visalia, in Central California, we just had a big storm come through. I got out before it started and took a bunch of pictures. I like this one and just wanted some feedback on it.
Last edited by mindforge; 12-22-2008 at 01:00 PM.
Hi Mindforge,
A tough exposure. Dark field sunny - bright white clouds in the sky. From a composition perspective I think it's OK. You've got some leading lines, the horizon looks to be at at the lower third of the image, nice colour, but the sky is "blown out" in many places.
To solve this problem take two shots using a tripod - one exposed for the field and one exposed for the sky and then combine in post. Or use a Neutral Density Grad. filter to knock down the light of the sky (~ 2 stops).
I think a horizontal comp with the camera lower to the ground insted of at
eye level might work a bit better at bringing out those leading lines in the
FG which will add more depth and interest to the photo. Hope this helps.
Take care,
Dwayne Oakes
"When I slow my walk, open my eyes and listen,
nature reveals her hidden beauty to me." Dwayne Oakes
Thanks for the feedback, I'll have to try both of these. There are still plenty of opportunities at this particular location.