Antique guy, I hope my past comments haven't appeared one sided. Again being quite frank, as per your own description of yourself as someone new to photography and being sub-novice I would have to suggest that the comments you have offered, at best, are an opinion. You have stated you don't yet have the knowledge to offer a credible critique someone would value. I don't believe the initial comments were out of line from someone who knew what they were talking about but your self-description along with other photos haven't shown yourself worthy of taking seriously the comments you've left. You are saying you don't even know what you are doing yourself so how can you even imagine offering an opinion anyone will pay credence to? When you get the experience to not only point out shortcomings in your own work and others photography and can offer some valid encouragement then I suggest you look inward and challenge your own competency. As an example I would offer your post on not knowing how to judge basic focus problems. Until then, offer your suggestions based on your very limited experience and temper it with the same consideration you would expect in return. If you're willing to take comments that your own work is just plain sh*t without encouragement on how to improve then let people know and so be it. I am my own best or worst critic depending on how you look at it so I don't have much I feel is good enough to post, When I have though, I know those on this forum whose opinion I appreciate and take to heart. At this moment you have a long way to go. Learn the photography and work towards being one of those people.