I'm curious to know how this could have been better.
This is a discussion on Spider Girl within the Critiques forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; I'm curious to know how this could have been better....
I'm curious to know how this could have been better.
I like the angle; makes it interesting to shoot somewhat from the bottom up, however, it does make her hips look a bit too big, imho. Maybe just a wee bit more of an angle in the posture could have improved that; I find it almost to straight on. But other than that: nice image, Iggy.
~~ Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder ~~
you could try adding a catchlight to the eyes next time with a little fill flash. (If your speedlite has a pull out bounce card, this can work well.)
I like the blurred background, but the rainbow stand is a little distracting to my eye. I quite like the angle of the buildings, as it makes the portrait seem less formal.
Maybe if you were just a tad bit more up for the shot? Love the outfit!
My new blog as of Nov/10
Thanks, everyone. Some good pointers there. The trick is to remember them all
Just this:
I want to add that this woman is a total babe.
I also want to add that I could have done a better job on the catch light if it weren't for the fact that this is such a low resolution.
You did that on purpose, didn't you?
The only reason to post a "low resolution" is to keep the board software from "munging" it. Anything larger than 250KB gets shrunk by the board software.
I post everything to photobucket. That way it's all mine, to do with as I please.