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Saving flat light photo

This is a discussion on Saving flat light photo within the Critiques forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; I got out early lsat Saturday to try out my new tripod however the sky was overcast and there were ...

  1. #1
    EJC is offline Senior Member
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    Default Saving flat light photo

    I got out early lsat Saturday to try out my new tripod however the sky was overcast and there were no shadows. To put some interest back into this shot I turned the colour temp down to get some blue, reduced the clarity and saturation but increased the vibrance in PS. This turned the scene from sharp and clear but flat to a misty look in my opinion. Do you get the same feeling? Comments appreciated.

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  2. #2
    Travis is offline Senior Member
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    I like the sleepy hallowed effect here... something about the composition of the path bothering me a tad though... imo don't like how it's cutoff camera left...

    good processing to save the image... i do a lot of post processing experiment on my cutting room shots too...

    Nikon D300, Nikkor 24-70 2.8 . Nikkor 70-200 2.8 . Nikkor 50mm 1.8 . Sigma 105mm 2.8 . Tokina 12-24 4 . SB-600 . 2xVivitar 285

  3. #3
    mcnay55 is offline Junior Member
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    Default scary...

    I love it... too bad its not a tad darker... otherwise, excellent work. I keep staring and wondering where's the headless horseman at ?


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