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The Boulder Field

This is a discussion on The Boulder Field within the Critiques forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; Thanks for taking a look ! -Nikon D80/Nikkor 18-70mm -2 seconds @ f/16 -18mm -ISO 100 -EV -1/3 -jpeg no ...

  1. #1
    Dwayne Oakes is offline Senior Member
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    Default The Boulder Field

    Thanks for taking a look !

    -Nikon D80/Nikkor 18-70mm
    -2 seconds @ f/16
    -ISO 100
    -EV -1/3
    -jpeg no pp

    Take care Dwayne Oakes

  2. #2
    AcadieLibre's Avatar
    AcadieLibre is offline Senior Member
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    Hmmm, I like it, but the rear falls cut off are a bit distracting. I find it blunts the image. I would have tried to get my top camera angle lined up to the very bottom of the falls, just don't think with falls like that they can be cut, either they are all the way in or all the way out. I do like the textures, the smooth water effect and your B&W tones. Just can't help but be distracted by the cut off falls. Maybe others it won't bother, its just my
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  3. #3
    Marko's Avatar
    Marko is offline Administrator
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    This is a nice image for sure (with lots of juicy tones to play with) and A.L.raises some good points.

    For me, I find the back falls compete with the foreground rush of water and a larger aperture focused on infinity (the back of the falls) may have helped lead my eye to the falls.

    Hope that helps
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  4. #4
    Dwayne Oakes is offline Senior Member
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    Good points and thanks for your comments !

    Take care Dwayne Oakes


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