Dear all,
Last week, my office conducted a three day workshop. Lucky for me, the organizer forgot to contract a photographer. I took this opportunityand changed it to flash photography session
from which I have uploaded some samples below.
My main aim is to receive your kind comments of the flash technique rather than other aspects of photography. But of course, I am ready to accept any additional comments.
Few points on the situation
This was in a hall at a resort hotel. As you can see from the pictures, the walls had big windows, which were an additional challenge to my poor flash photography skills. To make matters worse, on the other side, there were a white flip chart and a big white board for the LCD projector which drove my light meter crazy.while shooting the presenters. The wall was pink and the ceiling was white from which I tried to bounce the light for some shots.
The metering techniques I used was, measuring on something from the lighter part of the hall, especially the windows. I used a +1 compensation on my flash for the foreground which are mainly dark skinned subjects.
Tv 40 -60
Av 4.5 -5.6
ISO 800