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Budding Shutterbug

This is a discussion on Budding Shutterbug within the Critiques forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; Uploading this one for my 12 year old who is asking for opinions. I turned him loose last night at ...

  1. #1
    Lizardqing's Avatar
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    Default Budding Shutterbug

    Uploading this one for my 12 year old who is asking for opinions. I turned him loose last night at a concert in a local park with the camera. Was glancing through the pics that he took and found this one. It caught my attention and I asked him how come he took it, he said he just thought it would make a nice picture. Now he's interested in others thoughts.

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  2. #2
    Skippy599 is offline Member
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    I like it, I'm wondering how it would look in black and white because of some of the distracting chairs but overall tell him he took a good picture

  3. #3
    Iguanasan's Avatar
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    I can certainly see why it caught your attention as it also catches mine!

    A lot of people don't like shots from behind but I find them quite interesting some times and this is one of those times. I really like the emotion in the warm embrace which I would think would have been more powerful if he had stepped to the left a bit. I like that he included the band as it "sets the stage" by connecting the moment with an event and I think the couple would remember the moment better that way but the background is a bit busy and distracting. A creative crop may fix that a bit. Unfortunately, what can't be fixed is the missing part of her arm. It would have been nicer for his left side and her arm not to have been cut off.

    He has a good eye to capture this moment. The technical stuff will come with experience so tell him to keep shooting!
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  4. #4
    asnow is offline Senior Member
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    I like the selective focus. It draws your attention to the couple. The band is is out of focus, but there is just enough focus there to know what the couple is looking at. As Iggy said it might be just a bit too busy especially the distraction of the two red chairs. Perhaps as Skippy suggested that might be eliminated by converting to B&W. All round though a very good effort.


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