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A Face In the Window

This is a discussion on A Face In the Window within the Critiques forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; my neighbours cat, other than the other reflections i was looking for some tips thanks...

  1. #1
    Skippy599 is offline Member
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    Default A Face In the Window

    my neighbours cat, other than the other reflections i was looking for some tips thanks
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  2. #2
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    Hi there, great photo, I would love to see it cropped so that just the middle frame is showing with the large amount of green on the side, would also increase the saturation and the sharpness to pop the colors a bit more, maybe increase the blacks as well?

  3. #3
    Mad Aussie's Avatar
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    The most obvious things to me are the over-exposure, and the composition.
    Stopping down a couple of f stops would have helped with that blown out fur, given more detail, reduced the reflections, and deepened the colours.
    The photo is about the cat and the window pane it's looking through I think so I'd have cropped most other stuff out, preferably before you actually took the photo by zooming in with the lens or your feet. This would have removed many distractions and made think more about what the cat was looking at perhaps.


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    Default here's an edit

    Name:  DSC_0655.jpg
Views: 393
Size:  56.8 KB
    I edited this quickly in lightroom, it was very pixelated which was probably my fault when I saved it to my desktop but you can get an idea of my vision for this pic.

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