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A little on the light side?

This is a discussion on A little on the light side? within the Critiques forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; Hi Iguanasan, I hope I have not caused controversy with my last post, i am far to new to the ...

  1. #11
    okmqaz42 is offline Senior Member
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    Hi Iguanasan, I hope I have not caused controversy with my last post, i am far to new to the forum to be drawing attention to myself! I do appreciate you taking the time to look and comment. I did actually see the "offending stem" in the view finder when i took the shot, which is part of my reluctance to remove it afterward, it may be a stronger image with it gone but now I feel differently about the photo.

    I am on a steep learning curve with my photography so getting feedback and a critique is important as I learn so much from it and I can't believe how helpful and giving people are with their time.

    Name:  Bud 4  213.jpg
Views: 244
Size:  15.1 KB

    PS: don't worry about me "throwing away thousands of pixels" I keep them all, I have a collage in mind!
    flickr photostream , facebook-say hello.
    Please feel free to critique or comment on my photos in ANY thread on this forum. I find the feedback is one of the best tools for learning.

  2. #12
    Bambi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by okmqaz42 View Post
    Hi Iguanasan, I hope I have not caused controversy with my last post, i am far to new to the forum to be drawing attention to myself! I do appreciate you taking the time to look and comment. I did actually see the "offending stem" in the view finder when i took the shot, which is part of my reluctance to remove it afterward, it may be a stronger image with it gone but now I feel differently about the photo.

    I am on a steep learning curve with my photography so getting feedback and a critique is important as I learn so much from it and I can't believe how helpful and giving people are with their time.

    PS: don't worry about me "throwing away thousands of pixels" I keep them all, I have a collage in mind!
    no controversy, just healthy discussion. It's a philosophy difference and everyone needs to decide the extent to which they want to alter any photo (unless you are shooting for news). For me it depends. I do clone some stuff out but others I leave because it works for me. Around here we don't get too hot and agitated about topics, even if we disagree.

    In the end, it's your shot and you get to decide what story to tell with it. It's helpful to get other views and consider them. you may change your mind, you may not. For me, I like the most recent shot because my eye goes to the subject without any distraction. I like the minimalist feel and the negative space.
    Feel free to make comments on any of my shots

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    A painter takes their vision and makes it a reality. A photographer takes reality and makes it their vision.

  3. #13
    Mad Aussie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bambi View Post
    I am sure. I really like it. the backlight is lovely, the focus is spot on and it's nice use of negative space. It might be stronger if you cloned out the oof stem in the back (or at least the light bit).
    My thoughts exactly!

  4. #14
    Mad Aussie's Avatar
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    Just saw the edited version ... nice.

  5. #15
    okmqaz42 is offline Senior Member
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    Thanks for the comments and the feedback.
    flickr photostream , facebook-say hello.
    Please feel free to critique or comment on my photos in ANY thread on this forum. I find the feedback is one of the best tools for learning.

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