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Because I'll be going to the UK again in April.....

This is a discussion on Because I'll be going to the UK again in April..... within the Critiques forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; I would like to know what I can do should I be in the situation to take another night shot ...

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    Gremlich's Avatar
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    Default Because I'll be going to the UK again in April.....

    I would like to know what I can do should I be in the situation to take another night shot like this one (elsewhere in London). The details of the clock specifically - so washed out. Anything else, too. I was tempted to use Photoshop to try and deal with it, but felt that ingenuous. Instead, I just relied on the luminance feature in LR3 after straightening it up and nothing else.

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    JAS_Photo's Avatar
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    You will have your best luck taking this sort of photo at the "blue hour". That is the time the street lights come on but the sky is not completely black.


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