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Frost and Iron

This is a discussion on Frost and Iron within the Critiques forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; any C&C is more then welcome......

  1. #1
    toby is offline Junior Member
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    Default Frost and Iron

    any C&C is more then welcome...

  2. #2
    Iguanasan's Avatar
    Iguanasan is offline Moderator
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    Welcome to the forum, toby. I hope you enjoy your stay with us. You are brave to jump right into the critiques section with us but I'll give it a go and hopefully I won't scare you away.

    You've captured some excellent detail on what appears to be a fence and the snow crystals look reasonably sharp too but I'm a little confused about the subject so I'm thinking the composition seems a little off to me. I'm guessing you are trying to showcase the snowflakes. The overexposed background is a little distracting as well. Maybe someone else has a suggestion on how to handle this scenario because I've struggled with similar shots myself.

    I'm thinking if you had a friend with a neutral colour coat stand behind the subject and used the rule of thirds to put the subject in a different spot in the frame it might stand out better.
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  3. #3
    toby is offline Junior Member
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    It takes alot to scare me... and you can't get better without hearing the reality of your work. If I ever get a day where the frost/snow is hanging onto this I don't even really know what to call its a decorative something or other outside my front door... I will attempt your input


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