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Playing in the Rain

This is a discussion on Playing in the Rain within the Critiques forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; Thanks TT for the very nice analysis and Thanks Ben H for the feedback, I feel like I've been told ...

  1. #11
    PKMax is offline Member
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    Gloucester, UK


    Thanks TT for the very nice analysis

    and Thanks Ben H for the feedback, I feel like I've been told off heh.
    PK, See me after class.. lol.

    will take it all on board for the next time it's raining heh.

    I quite like it as it is myself (with some tweaks to improve), but understand that this isn't going to work for some people.

  2. #12
    Ben H's Avatar
    Ben H is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by PKMax View Post
    and Thanks Ben H for the feedback, I feel like I've been told off heh.
    Ah, that wasn't my intention at all! It's just me reading into my views of that image - those views are in no way more or less important than anyone elses. If anything, sometimes it's nice to get views that are contrary to your own, even if it gets you thinking.

    And really, feedback is part of what makes this forum hopefully useful - while posts like "Nice!" are reassuring that what one is doing isn't completely worthless, it really doesn't help in furthering progess.

    Perhaps I should have expressed myself a little more tactfully...

  3. #13
    Fredric is offline Junior Member
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    Thumbs up A couple of ideas for an already nice image

    Though the image probably would gain from being a bit darker in the lower part I don't feel that it's critical. And I agree with what Ben says about the image's ability to portray its main message (i.e. that it's raining), but I do think that the image works in its own right compositionally as it stands.

    For me, an image like this scores points on not being too direct. It invites you to unlock its meaning, like TT points out. The image also has no shortages of lines pointing to the droplet, that in itself becomes a main character. It, and the other drops that you soon pick up on, discretely points out that it's raining.

    Also, I quite like that your son is on the other side of the roundabout, it contributes to the sense of "abstractness" and of a hidden message. The bright roundabout IMO adds to the feeling of playfulness, as well of it being slippery and wet.

    I get the feeling that the child couldn't care less of the fact that it's raining. Meanwhile I, the onlooker, is quite content in being shielded from the rain. It gives me time to study the scene.

    I'm not too crazy about the fence though. My eyes keeps wandering back and forth in its direction. Perhaps it's because all of it's out of focus, which is indeed what makes rest of the image work. Although one might try to blur the fence even more in order to do away with the striped effect.

    I'd be interested to see if the image would gain from having the different hues be more in tune with each other. E.g. the oval under the roundabout could be more alike the grass' hue; the yellow thingy could benefit from the same treatment, still being yellow, but more in tune with the grass. It might not work though. Just a thought.

    I like this kind of image and the creativity behind it. I hope you don't mind me downloading the image into my local inspiration folder.

    Keep up the good work!

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