I like both ... but the portrait version edges this new one out for me due to the 'magic hour' sky you captured. The blues contrast the golden orange so well.
This is a discussion on The new Vancouver Convention Center within the Critiques forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; I like both ... but the portrait version edges this new one out for me due to the 'magic hour' ...
I like both ... but the portrait version edges this new one out for me due to the 'magic hour' sky you captured. The blues contrast the golden orange so well.
I totally agree. There has been some unsettled weather in Vancouver recently with -5degs Celcius (32F?) and last night when I shot this it was 5degs C above. I do wish to have the better bluer sky. I wonder if the sky darkens more towards midnight? I might go down for one last shot to get the gold and blue contrast. Thanks
I agree with MA that blue sky in the vertical one is much nicer. Also the vertical wins because of the mountains and a better view of the city lights in the background.
If you could some how combine them. The light on the first and the background was much more interesting. The second, however, makes me feel much better because I see that the lean is part of the structure and not a crooked capture.
When I shot the first one, the vertical one the west coast was in a cold snap. There was no clouds or anything blocking the clouds. Maybe if I' patient I could get another beautiful night soon.
It's a tough shot to compose perfectly - I still favour shot 1.
I like shot 2 but the bottom right looks like it's chopped just a bit too much (though I see why you cropped it there) and shot 1 just has more 'drama' due to the better light.
Just looking at this scene I can see all the potential difficulties in framing it perfectly...
Well done overall!
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"You have to milk the cow quite a lot, and get plenty of milk to get a little cheese." Henri Cartier-Bresson from The Decisive Moment.
Round Two - I finally got a gap in the weather where I could get the moutains in the background and a good color out of the sky. I shot this with ISO 1000 F14 and barely bumped the saturation up a bit to pull some more blue out in CS5.
I am learning and would like to know why I got the star flares on the lights. I really think they are interested and would like to try this trick again.
I general please let me know what you think. I think this is a good split between the beautiful British Columbia mountains and the new Convention Center.
When I uploaded this to Flickr it seemed to make it a little blurry. On my screen this is tack sharp.
That's the one for me!!!
I think I still like the first one. To me the vertical seems to add more drama.
As for the star flares ... this is a complete guess. It would seem to me the more closed your aperture the more it is prone to flares. I don't know this as a fact, it is just my crazy logic trying to figure it out. If anybody knows please correct me if I am way off base.