In this image I separated the sky into its own layer. I then adjusted the exposure using levels on the sky until I got the look that I wanted. I then adjusted the saturation slightly to try to get the colors to pop without making the image look unnatural. I did attempt using the burn tool on the bright spot in the sky towards the left hand side. The bright spot along the horizon occurs from my difficulty in accurately separating the sky from the horizon. I also find it challenging to select trees independently from the sky because of all the branches and leaves. I then addressed the foreground using levels and saturation again. I spent some time playing with the burn and dodge tools to address the exposure of the tree and other bushes, but I still have a lot to learn there. I think in the future I may leave the burn and dodge tools on the shelf, and try to separate the picture into more layers and address each independently. I am really interested in some of Marko's suggestions in utilizing painting over the picture selectively with black and white and I think I will be trying that to see how it works. I am finding that when I break pictures into seperate layers, sometimes the transitions between layers look fine, but other times they are very awkward.