Another pic I took back in Amsterdam (cf )
I liked the contrast of the exposed/unexposed statue like if one was the black sheep.
Tell me what you think !
This is a discussion on The three brothers (no bear or beer here) within the Critiques forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; Another pic I took back in Amsterdam ( cf ) I liked the contrast of the exposed/unexposed statue like ...
Another pic I took back in Amsterdam (cf )
I liked the contrast of the exposed/unexposed statue like if one was the black sheep.
Tell me what you think !
I feel the right hand statue is left out of the picture by being in shadow. It's hard to tell if the other two are meant to be in the picture as they are half in shadow and half out. It strikes me as being more a photo of the windows above the statues than a photo of them.
Hasn't worked for me I'm sorry. The bright areas are under exposed and the dark areas over exposed. The shadow dominates and only serves to distract I think.
I also find that the photo lacks a real focal point. Is it about the building? Or the statues? Or both? The answer doesn't appear obvious to me and I think it should be.
I can see elements that would attract me to take a photo of this scene but I think I'd have chosen much better light conditions to give myself a chance.
I agree with the other 2 posters here.
The light is too harsh, the dark statue isn't working for me and the focal point seems confused. This DOES seem like a great subject though so i highly recommend going back if possible.
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"You have to milk the cow quite a lot, and get plenty of milk to get a little cheese." Henri Cartier-Bresson from The Decisive Moment.
Thanks for the critiques! I don't think I can go back in the near future but who knows !