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Which Works

This is a discussion on Which Works within the Critiques forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; Hello can any one help I am not sure which one of these works better.I like the shadow of the ...

  1. #1
    Paul72 is offline Formerly Aerobiosis
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    Default Which Works

    Hello can any one help I am not sure which one of these works better.I like the shadow of the light leading up the path (2) but at the same time think it looks better without the shadow in(1).Any help or comments would be appreciated.
    Thank you

    1Name:  BW2.jpg
Views: 408
Size:  143.4 KB
    2Name:  BW1.jpg
Views: 418
Size:  154.2 KB

  2. #2
    Richard's Avatar
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    Hi Aerobiosis, here's my take...

    shot 1 is all about the street name sign, it's placement in centre frame draws the eye to it. Shot 2 is more about the street and building, but as you point out the lamp post casts a strong and distracting shadow, there's not a lot about this you can do in camera, apart from wait for a different time of day or cloud cover. The hard light does bring out the textures in the wall and floor.

    If you have editing software you might have some success cloning the shadow out, and then for me shot 2 would be the clear winner.

  3. #3
    Paul72 is offline Formerly Aerobiosis
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    Thanks Richard I don't think have the time to take out the shadow so I will re take this another time.But at the same time I was wondering does the shadow effect the picture that much or would it better without because like you I prefer this shot as you can see more of the surrounding area where as shot number 1 is more a detail shot.Being a Gemini decisions are never easy so your comments are appreciated.
    Thanks again

  4. #4
    edbayani11's Avatar
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    agree with richard. shot no 2 would work if you remove the shadows in post edit.

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    mbrager's Avatar
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    I agreed with Richard's comments about the photos. Just for the sake of experimenting, I copied your second photo (you have editing permission on) into Elements 9, which has a content aware spot healing brush. One swipe of the brush over the shadow and it magically disappeared leaving the cobblestone visible. If you look very carefully there are some signs of the edit. I also did a levels adjust and some burning and dodging. Let me know what you think. Mike

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  6. #6
    Paul72 is offline Formerly Aerobiosis
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    Hello Mike
    That's a lot better a vast improvement I appreciate the help and it shows the possibilities of editing.I some times keep editing to a minimum as I don't know a lot at the moment though I guess practice makes perfect.
    Thanks Again

  7. #7
    Marko's Avatar
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    I agree with all the critiques thus far and good edit mbrager!
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