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A girl...

This is a discussion on A girl... within the Critiques forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; Took this at a "fashion" + swim suit show at this show in Markham, Ontario. Event was to promote this ...

  1. #1
    asiandan is offline Junior Member
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    Default A girl...

    Took this at a "fashion" + swim suit show at this show in Markham, Ontario.

    Event was to promote this newly opened Lounge/club.

    Name:  34531_418071437892_715852892_4843149_3351201_n.jpg
Views: 310
Size:  60.5 KB

  2. #2
    Mad Aussie's Avatar
    Mad Aussie is offline Moderator
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    As a snapshot I find this photo to be fine. Exposure, focus if good etc.
    However I think it could be so much stronger with a change in composition.

    The girl, who appears to be the real subject here is could be even more dominant I think. If you were showing the club opening then zooming way back to show the environment she was in would have been better. But to for the girl to really sell this I think you needed to get in closer and eliminate the obvious distractions such as the blue light so close to her body, and the signage that's brightly yelling for attention in the upper right corner.

    Nice timing though with the smile, hair flowing and moment captured.

  3. #3
    Iguanasan's Avatar
    Iguanasan is offline Moderator
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    MA's given a good critique working within the limitations of this shot. If you have the opportunity in the future move a bit to your right and put her in front of that glazed glass wall which would provide a wonderful bokeh like backdrop.
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