Quote Originally Posted by Marko View Post
This is a really nice catch!

EXCELLENT advice here.

If this were my shot and I had a chance to shoot a second frame, then I would have looked at the histogram (or on my screen where I have have a setting so that clipped highlights blink, so i don't even have to look at the histogram) and realized that the rump was clipped.

I then would have then underexposed the next image by a good 1-2 stops. The rump would then look good and I'd try to bring the rest of the image out in PP as MA suggests.

If I still had time I probably would have shot a third frame with fill flash set to about minus 2 to add extra light to the horses' faces.

Richard's quick cloning shows the potential to fix this image.

Hope that helps - Marko
Thank you Marko for your remarks. In this particular case the flash was not an option: subjects too far away, no time to do the settings...