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Hi again :)

This is a discussion on Hi again :) within the Critiques forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; Its been quite a while, amazing how fast time can fly and how busy one can get with life... so ...

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    PaulaLynn is offline Senior Member
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    Default Hi again :)

    Its been quite a while, amazing how fast time can fly and how busy one can get with life... so busy infact that I haven't been taking much pictures lately :(. However, I did just finish my first wedding/engagement of the year and hopeing I can get some C&C on my 2 fav's.. as always, don't be gentle, please I just want to improve...

    1. Name:  engagement 4.jpg
Views: 1403
Size:  50.3 KB

    2.Name:  Wedding (199 of 290).jpg
Views: 406
Size:  55.7 KB
    Last edited by PaulaLynn; 07-10-2010 at 12:29 PM. Reason: Wrong place

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    Iguanasan's Avatar
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    Moved! Cheers. I'll come back for the critique... I'm a little short of time at the moment.
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    PaulaLynn is offline Senior Member
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    Iguanasan's Avatar
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    Sorry, yesterday was a busy day.

    1) Individually, they each have their little imperfections but as a set they are great. I kinda wish the third one had both of them in it though as it would give it more the feel of the shopping mall photo booth if they were both there. The photos are really great from the standpoint that you can see there were really having a great time.

    2) This one's lovely. The bokeh is great. The image would look nicer if there had been a little more control around the highlights and a fill flash to brighten her cute little face which could be a tad sharper. And while I don't mind her feet not being in the photo I don't quite like the way her head was cut off.
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    PaulaLynn is offline Senior Member
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    Thank-you for your reply... I totally agree with everything you said. She was too far back for the fill flash unfortunatly, or I wasn't close enough.. either or, the flash was there but ineffective :(. Also, the top of her head. Yep... totally agree there too... There were quite a few shots of her, this one was my fav of all of them because of the bride and maid of honor in the back.... however, darn it all if I cut off the top of her bloody head. Drives me nuts! I wish there was some way to fix it.

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    That's the way it goes. You might try dodging (lightening) her face a bit which might solve that problem but I have no skills at replacing a missing scalp! :(
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    Iggy gives an excellent critique here!

    I just wanted to add that the background in shot 2 is just lovely. The focus (although difficult) should be on the child's eyes, and here they are blurry. Too bad about the chopped scalp...I see no easy fix

    That said - I'm sure the child's parents will love this shot. Photographers are very critical, most people never notice what we notice.
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    scorpio_e's Avatar
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    If she only had her face turned a bit to the left. You take these shots as they come and she is a cutie. I would try dodging a bit. You crop her head.. Sooo what is wrong with that? You may even want to crop a bit more off.

    I am not a big fan of the first series. All the comments have been noted.

    Weddings are TOUGH !!!!

    My mistake has been seeking new landscapes. I should have been seeking new light.

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    JAS_Photo's Avatar
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    I totally agree with scorpio about the shot of the little girl. I was just looking at it before reading his comment and I too think chopping a bit more off would not be a bad thing. Just a sliver. To me it brings her closer in to us the viewers.

  10. #10
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    i think they have said it all. i really like the shot of the girl.
    i couldn't resist doing some post processing, forgive me for posting what i did.
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