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Steel and Rock at Sunset

This is a discussion on Steel and Rock at Sunset within the Critiques forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; Not very used to abstract type images and would like some feedback, please....

  1. #1
    Iguanasan's Avatar
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    Default Steel and Rock at Sunset

    Not very used to abstract type images and would like some feedback, please.

    Name:  IMG_9061_edited.jpg
Views: 420
Size:  241.0 KB
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  2. #2
    Bambi's Avatar
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    hmm. I see what you were going for with this but for me it misses a bit. I would like to see more of the metal and for it to be sharper. also the right side is a bit dark.

    on the positive side I like the textures and I think it's a good idea, just needs more work.
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  3. #3
    dante is offline Member
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    I would be tempted to convert this image into B/W.

  4. #4
    QuietOne is offline Senior Member
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    I agree with Bambi about the texture, and I also think the blues of the shadows fading into the tans/browns have potential. My temptation would have been to concentrate on the one corner on the left, with the rust, rock, shadow and fuzzy line into sun. The metal to the right is distracting to me, both because of the size and because it's out of focus. A crop that takes it down to what I mention would probably include a bit of the water line and water. It might also work a bit better in portrait orientation, to take advantage of that larger pipe. On my monitor it's a touch dark - maybe lightening it a bit, so the rust is a bit more visible? Just some ideas to play with.

  5. #5
    Marko's Avatar
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    I'm going to disagree here - I quite like this abstract and I find the tones nicely rendered on my monitor. I like the lines and unusual composition as well.

    This shot makes me think of shots taken from space actually.

    I also think this exact composition could have worked very well without the steel. The blues in the rock are fantastic!
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  6. #6
    Iguanasan's Avatar
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    Thanks all for the feedback. Oooohh, this abstract stuff is hard!

    At the time it struck me as something I had to shoot and maybe that "in the shooting" that's all that really matters. I'm slowly learning to try and empty my cup with some of these things.
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  7. #7
    QuietOne is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iguanasan View Post
    At the time it struck me as something I had to shoot and maybe that "in the shooting" that's all that really matters. I'm slowly learning to try and empty my cup with some of these things.
    This speaks to me. My lessons with the camera have been patience, accepting that I won't, for whatever reason, be able to get some shots, and that there's always another day to try again. Even if what I was working with has changed or isn't there anymore.


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