I've got some of my Christmas money left, and for what I'm shooting, a polarizing filter is probably my most immediate need. I have about $150 USD to spend, but you might be able to drag me kicking and screaming a little higher.
I have done some reading. I have two basic problems. The first is that I have a kit lens. I don't see any point to getting a filter that's more than it can use (the equivalent of getting performance parts for an auto engine that brings the horse power up to more than the engine has ever been to produce).
The other is sorting through opinions. Okay, I get uncoated and single coated bad, multicoated good. Then the bickering starts. The two brands with affordable prices that crop up the most often are Hoya and BW. Then the bickering starts about what minimum level of Hoya.
The local camera store sells only Promaster stuff, and not just filters. Even if I could be sure of the real manufacturer, that's not enough information. You can't necessarily say the quality is the same as their branded filters, any more than you can say the Ann Klein line of clothes for JC Penney is the same quality as the line sold in Nordstroms.
So I'm stuck at this point, and I really don't want to wade through thousands of opinions, graphs and tests for what is really a very basic thing - given the money I have to spend and the lens it's going on, what's good enough?