Hey I was wondering if anyone uses any tools for monitor calibration (Huey etc..) or do you just adjust on your comp.?
This is a discussion on Monitor Calibration within the Camera equipment & accessories forums, part of the Education & Technical category; Hey I was wondering if anyone uses any tools for monitor calibration (Huey etc..) or do you just adjust on ...
Hey I was wondering if anyone uses any tools for monitor calibration (Huey etc..) or do you just adjust on your comp.?
Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.- Dr. Seuss
Since I do all my own printing I need my monitors calibrated and even if I didn't I still would calibrate. I use a Spyder 3. Here is a list of various calibration tools, they run from about $120 to a $1000. A calibration tool is worth the cost, but if you can borrow one you are even better off. Anyone who does photography from a hobbyist to a pro should calibrate.
calibration Calibration Tools Computer Accessories ColorVision X-Rite Pantone
“I take photographs with love, so I try to make them art objects. But I make them for myself first and foremost - that is important.” Jacques-Henri Lartigue
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke"Vive L'Acadie, Liberté, égalité, fraternité, ou la mort!"
I calibrate using the eye one extreme.
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"You have to milk the cow quite a lot, and get plenty of milk to get a little cheese." Henri Cartier-Bresson from The Decisive Moment.
Check the screen resolution. Choose the highest resolution available unless the text is too small. If you are using an LCD monitor, check the manual or box for the "native" resolution. Set your computer to this resolution.
Verify that your computer monitor is in high color or 24-bit mode. In Windows, check this by right clicking on your desktop and choosing Graphic Properties. On Mac, go to Preferences, then click on Displays and then choose Colors:Millions. If your display is in 16-bit color, there won't be enough color depth for the calibration process.
Let your monitor warm up for at least 15 (preferably 30) minutes before beginning the calibration.
Make sure that no reflections, glare or strong, direct light reaches your screen. The room doesn't have to be dark, but ambient light shouldn't interfere with how you see what's on the screen.
Print a test photo on a professional quality printer. Choose a daylight photo with a person who has natural skin tone and print it using the highest quality settings and top-quality glossy photo paper. Let it dry away from direct sunlight for a few hours so that the colors can set permanently.
Adjust your contrast and brightness controls. They are located either on the front of your monitor or in an on screen menu. Find a calibration test screen online by conducting a search. A free basic calibration tool can be found here.
Open the image file that you just printed.
Place the printed photo right next to the original image on the screen and compare.
Adjust the brightness, contrast, and color levels (red, green, blue) on your monitor until the image on the screen resembles the printed photo as closely as possible. This takes time and a good eye for color. Continue to the next step if you'd like to use software to calibrate your monitor.
Use basic software such as Adobe Gamma (if you have Adobe Photoshop 7 or below installed), QuickGamma (which is free), Apple ColorSync, or Monica for Linux to calibrate your monitor. To access Adobe Gamma, click "Start," "Settings" and "Control Panel." For all the software, follow the step by step instructions to perform the calibration. These will provide a basic calibration for, say, casual Photoshop users who don't print a lot of photographs.
Purchase specialized software used in conjunction with a colorimeter (a device that reads the actual color values produced by your monitor) if color accuracy is vital to your profession. Some calibration systems worth looking into are ColorVision Spyder 3 Pro, the ColorVision Color Plus (great for home systems), Monaco Systems MonacoOPTIX, and Gretag Macbeth Eye-One Display.
Calibrate your monitor every 2 to 4 weeks for optimum visual accuracy.
* Have a professional calibrate your computer screen if you are uncomfortable doing it yourself or if you can not achieve your desired results. A recommended calibration service can be found online.
Automate SysInternals ProcMon,Check MSI File/Reg Entries,Debug/Fix App
* You can also try the auto-calibrate button , if it's programmed into your monitor.